Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Spring Break Vacation

I would go to Cuba and visit the few family i have over there. Also ride around with my 2 big brothers around the beach area, and at the end of the night go to a club. I would just take money. Phone wouldn't work over there so theres no point in that. Also wouldn't like people asking me for money so i would just wear some basic stuff and enjoy my time there.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Part 3 Finals

Part 2 Finals

  President , Barrack Obama acused of cheating on his wife with this woman.
Man burned after trying to get inside a 5 Star hotel in Korea.
Man killed after trying to kill the president. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013


When i see the picture it makes me think bout Jay Z. All his videos have something to do with something like this. He is always on his illuminati things.